Opportunities for Service and Outreach
Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. -Teresa of Avila
Local Outreach
St. Peter’s Thrift Shop has been a ministry of the congregation for over fifty years. The Thrift Shop is open from September to June on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Gently used clothing and housewares are available from both consignment and rummage sale rooms.
C.H.O.W. (Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse) is housed in the Livingston Municipal Building. St. Peter’s collects food, clothing, and other necessities for this important community resource. Think people in our communities don’t go hungry? Think again!
Christine’s Kitchen is a feeding program and soup kitchen located at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in West Orange. St. Peter’s is a regular participant in preparing, serving, and hosting the hungry in our neighboring community.
Mitten Tree: Throughout Advent and the Christmas season, parishioners are invited to bring new mittens, hats and scarves to decorate a Christmas tree set up in the back of the church. At Epiphany the items are donated to the Holy Trinity Food Pantry in West Orange for distribution.
St. Peter’s Knitting Ministry creates prayer shawls for individuals in need of a warm “hug” and tangible proof of Christ’s love.
Global Outreach
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, our young people lead the congregation in supporting the many projects of two Episcopal Church organizations with long histories of outreach both in the United States and around the world:
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