In-Person Worship Resumes on June 6th – Wear Orange Sunday
Join us this Sunday, June 6th, at 10 a.m. at St. Peter’s, Livingston for in-person worship with Holy Eucharist. We look forward to welcoming you back to our newly cleaned church! Please read the guidelines below for safe gathering protocols.
This Sunday is also Wear Orange Sunday! Wear the color orange to honor victims of Gun Violence and join us as we pray to end this national scourge. Learn more about the movement here.
In-Person Worship Guidelines
Please bring and wear a mask for the entire service.
Social distancing of six feet between family groups must be followed in the pews.
Windows and doors will be left open to facilitate air circulation.
Eucharist will be given in one kind only (no wine).
Worship and Fellowship time will be limited to one hour.
If you are feeling ill, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have a cough or fever, please stay home. Thank you for your cooperation! Join us online here if you’re staying home.