
Holy Week and Easter at St. Peter’s


Easter, 2018


Dear Friends in Christ,


A few weeks ago, we began Lent on Ash Wednesday, which coincided this year with Valentine’s Day. In a few weeks, we’ll celebrate the Sunday of the Resurrection, Easter, on April Fool’s Day.

We started our journey through this holy season with a love letter from God, and we come to the fulfillment of that love with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a new life offered to each of us, at the center of God’s heart.

As we celebrate Easter, we remember Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, who went to the tomb on that first day. They found the stone rolled away and the body of Jesus gone. Was it a trick? An April Fool’s joke? Their mission, to tend to the body of their beloved teacher, had turned into a shocking and confounding ‘fool’s errand.’ Jesus was alive!

In the days ahead, we join our sisters at the tomb to announce God’s living, loving presence in our world today. We are called to give up our own ‘fool’s errand’, our defensive and destructive treatment of one another and our planet. We are invited to proclaim that God is alive, to join God’s redeeming work, and to dwell in and share God’s love.

May God’s heart transform our hearts as we proclaim, Alleluia, Christ is risen!

Rev. Elizabeth


Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, March 25: 10 a.m. Blessing of the Palms and Procession,

Holy Eucharist and Reading of the Passion

Maundy Thursday, March 29: Ecumenical Worship at Livingston Presbyterian Church

Parish Hall, 6:30 p.m. Soup and Salad, 7 p.m. Worship

Good Friday, March 30: Noon Ecumenical Way of the Cross at St. Peter’s

Sunday of the Resurrection, April 1: 10 a.m. Festive Holy Eucharist with

Children’s Homily, Flowering of the Cross followed by Easter Egg Hunt. Families are invited to bring flowers.

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