Godspeed, Reverend Elizabeth!
May 23, 2021
Dear Friends in Christ,
After prayerful consideration, I want to inform you that I will be concluding my ministry as the Rector of St. Peter’s Church, and my final Sunday as your pastor will be June 27th.
It has been a blessing to serve with you in Christ’s ministry at St. Peter’s for the past twelve years. Thank you for sharing your lives with me as we prayed, worshiped, and ministered to the community and one another. I will take many memories with me, most especially of the moments we shared in the challenges and blessings of our everyday lives, and of our commitment to carrying out the ministry of Jesus Christ in the wider community.
As with every ending of a pastoral relationship, I will continue to value our relationships but will no longer be your parish priest. This means that I can no longer officiate at baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Instead, you’ll have the support and guidance of the Vestry and Diocesan officials in the days ahead.
If you have a memory, story, or picture of our ministry from the past twelve years, I would welcome you sharing it with me by email: stpeterslivrector@gmail.com, or by mail at 186 Potomac Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. On Sunday, June 13th we’ll gather for Holy Eucharist at St. Peter’s and a brief time following (due to pandemic restrictions) to say goodbye to one another. Please join us if you’re able!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead, and I wish you all God’s blessings.
Grace and Peace,
(The Rev.) Elizabeth Wigg-Maxwell