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Diocesan Communion Sunday, November 8th

This Sunday, November 8th, is Diocesan Communion Day! Read/view Bishop Carlye’s message here. 
There are two ways to receive communion this Sunday:
1. Attend the in-person, indoor service of Holy Eucharist at Church of the Holy Spirit in Verona at 10 a.m. (more info here).
2. Attend the Outdoor In-person Morning Prayer service at St. Peter’s at 10 a.m. on the Rectory lawn (sign-up and get info here), then go to Holy Spirit, Verona for drive-thru communion from 11 – 11:30 a.m.
Please follow the safety protocols at both churches. For St. Peter’s, Stewardship Ingathering is this Sunday (please send in your pledge if you haven’t already, so the Vestry can plan the budget for 2021. Thank you!)
Don’t want to join in person? No problem! Join us at 10 a.m. live on Zoom (available here).
  • Use the meeting ID 862 5565 5942
  • Use passcode  274133
  • Or dial-in by phone: +1 646 558 8656
  • Find the worship bulletin here