Diocesan Guidelines for Worship During COVID-19
For more information, please visit the Diocesan website links below.
COVID-19 Information:
Diocesan messages & resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Journey Forward: Revised Congregational Worship Guidelines
Journey Forward Guidelines [PDF]
Quick Reference Guide [PDF]
In-Person Worship with Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m.
Welcome back to our newly cleaned church! Please follow the guidelines below. We look forward to seeing you!
- Please bring and wear a mask for the entire service.
- Check-in at the welcome table and use the hand sanitizer.
- Position your family group at least 6 feet from others in the pews.
- Eucharist will be distributed in one kind only (no wine).
- Windows and doors will be left open to facilitate air circulation.
- Worship and fellowship will be limited to one hour.
- If you are feeling ill, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have a cough or fever, please stay home, and if you simply prefer to worship with us online, see the Zoom information below.
Our Sunday online Worship Zoom information:
Meeting ID:
973 992 1932
Included in our weekly emails for security reasons.
If you did not get our weekly email, let us know by emailing: info@stpetersliv.com
Dial-in by phone (optional):
(646) 558-8656
Home Learning and Ministries
Make a Prayer Table at Home
Create a space at home available night and day for prayer, worship, and a reminder of God’s presence. CLICK HERE for ideas using simple, everyday materials.
St. Peter’s Needs Your Support, Too!
While our heat may be turned down and our buildings used less, our ministries continue! CLICK HERE for ways to keep up your pledge and make donations.
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