Support the Ministry of St. Peter’s by Giving Online!

Supporting the ministry of St. Peter's, Livingston just got easier with online giving! Vanco financial services has teamed up with the Diocese of Newark to provide churches with easy online giving tools. Whether it's a one-time donation or…

Stewardship Season Begins: Faith-Filled Generosity

October 4, 2020 Dear Friends of St. Peter’s, Livingston, Each one of us has been impacted by the disruptions, losses, and anxieties that this year has brought to our communities. The coronavirus pandemic has tested our resolve, and in…

St. Peter’s Needs Your Support, too!

St. Peter’s Needs Your Support, Too! While our heat may be turned down and our buildings used less, we must still pay our many expenses. Please don’t forget to keep up with your pledges and donations to St. Peter’s. Consider these options…

A Different Way of Looking at Stewardship: from the Bishop

When we are generous, it reminds us of who we are and who we were created to be: creatures who are made in God's image, and God is a generous God. (Time: 4:15.) Click here to view the Bishop's Vlog on YouTube. Transcript: This is Bishop…

Janice Woodruff’s “Sharing Twinkies with God” Stewardship Reflection

Watch Janice Woodruff's Stewardship Reflection where she tells a great story about a boy that shares Twinkies in a park with God.

Megan Messina’s “Invisible Bucket” Stewardship Reflection

Watch Megan Messina's heartwarming Stewardship Reflection where she talks about how "St. Peter's brimming with bucket fillers".

“Everyone is Needed” Stewardship Reflection by Kimberly Read

Kimberly Read shares her thoughts on Stewardship and how "Everyone is Needed".

Stewardship Season: Shining Our Light

Stewardship Season has begun, and our theme is Shining Our Light. Bulletin inserts will include reflections from people around the Episcopal Church. On Sunday mornings during worship, we'll hear personal stories from members of St. Peter’s…

Blessing of the Animals, Stewardship Season Begins

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is October 4th, we invite you to bring your pets to be blessed during our 10 a.m. worship this Sunday, October 6th. Francis' devotion to all God's creatures great and small has been an example…

Thrift Shop Interns Transform Generosity

On November 11, 2018, our parishioner, Lourdes Aboud, gave the following Stewardship Homily.