A Holy Lent: Opportunities for Prayer, Reflection, and Fellowship
Spiritual Gifts in Lent
On Sundays during Lent, we’ll use the diocesan stewardship materials Behold, Become, Begin, to identify the gifts God has given each of us and the ways in which we can use them at St. Peter’s and in our communities.…
Ash Wednesday February 26th
The Holy Season of Lent begins this Wednesday, February 26th with Ash Wednesday. Join us as we gather with our Presbyterian and Methodist neighbors for a service of Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist at 7:30 p.m. at the Livingston Presbyterian…
Family Worship and Farewell to Alleluia Sunday, February 23rd
Sunday, February 23 is the last Sunday in this year's Epiphany season. We'll mark the occasion in our monthly Family Worship at 10 a.m. Youth and children will join adults in worship with family-friendly Eucharist, music, and children's homily.
Epiphany Season – Bless Your Home
After Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, the Holy Family was visited by three Magi from the east. They came to worship Christ
and bring him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We celebrate this visit with the Feast of Epiphany, and it is traditional…
January 5th Children’s Pageant: The Nativity Story
Join us this Sunday, January 5th at 10 a.m. for Holy Eucharist and the Children's Christmas Pageant. In the weeks before Christmas - the season of Advent - our young people were busy creating masks of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Magi, animals,…
Advent Lessons and Carols on 12/22
Join us on Sunday, December 22 at 10 a.m. for a service of Advent Lessons and Carols. This is the Fourth and last Sunday in Advent, when we bring to a close our season of reflection and prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Our service…
Advent Children’s Projects: Telling the Nativity Story and an Advent Calendar to Use at Home
On Sundays, December 1, 8, and 15, young people are invited to join in making masks of the characters in the Nativity story. We'll gather in the Rectory at 10 a.m. to color and create masks of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Magi, animals, and…
Advent at St. Peter’s: Practicing Peace
Advent is a time for quiet and reflection as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Here at St. Peter's, we have several ways to deepen our experiences of the season as we turn from the whirlwind of activity around us and open ourselves to God.
Stewardship Season: Shining Our Light
Stewardship Season has begun, and our theme is Shining Our Light. Bulletin inserts will include reflections from people around the Episcopal Church. On Sunday mornings during worship, we'll hear personal stories from members of St. Peter’s…
Easter Egg Hunt 2019
The children of St. Peter's participate in an Easter Egg Hunt.