An Invitation to a Holy Lent: Resources for Prayer, Study, and Family Activities
The Book of Common Prayer invites us on Ash Wednesday to a Holy Lent by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. St. Peter’s, Livingston offers the following opportunities for the season, in preparation for the great joy of Easter.
Daily Prayer
Morning Prayer led by St. Gregory’s, Parsippany. Monday through Saturday at 8:30 a.m. ending no later than 9 a.m. Zoom:
Or join in Zoom App: Meeting ID: 973 887 5879, Password: stg
End of Day Prayer (Compline) led by All Saint’s, Millington. Daily at 9:30 p.m. Join on Facebook:
Book Study: Love is the Way
St. Peter’s will share in a study of Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry’s latest book Love is the Way: Holding onto hope in troubling times, with members of St. Gregory’s, Parsippany and All Saints, Millington, on Wednesdays, February 24 – March 24 at 7 p.m. Churches will host each week beginning with the following schedule (updates will be posted here):
2/24 Intro, Ch 1, 2: All Saints, Millington. Zoom: Meeting ID: 873 4043 9697 Passcode: 687908
3/3 Ch 3, 4, 5: St. Peter’s, Livingston. Zoom: Meeting ID: 973 992 1932 Passcode: spec. Dial-in by phone +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 973 992 1932 Passcode: 689574
3/10 Ch 6, 7, &8: St. Peter’s, Livingston. Zoom: Meeting ID: 973 992 1932 Passcode: spec. Dial-in by phone +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 973 992 1932 Passcode: 689574
Resources for Families
An Ancient Lenten Practice
Pretzels for Lent date back to the early Church, perhaps sometime in the 4th century. During that time it was common for Christians to fast during the season, abstaining from meat, dairy, fats, and sweets. The soft pretzel dough is formed into a loop with ends crossed, meant to symbolize arms crossed in prayer. Read more about this Lenten symbol and find a recipe to make at home here.
Prayer Catcher Activity
Use this template to create a prayer catcher to help kids enter into the Lenten activities of self-examination and prayerful response to God’s love.
Make a Prayer Table at Home
Create a space at home available night and day for prayer, worship, and a reminder of God’s presence. CLICK HERE for ideas using simple, everyday materials.
Lent Madness Begins!
The annual saintly smackdown began as Camillus de Lellis squared off against Matthias. Catch up on the competition and learn about the saints of the church as we remember that Lent can be fun and educational as well! Go to the website to participate.