
The Holy Season of Advent Begins!

  The Season of Advent, when we watch and wait, begins this year on Sunday, November 29th. Creating a space at home is especially important in this time as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Find suggestions here for making a simple…

Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration Sunday, November 22

The Mosaic of Livingston: Celebrate Community! Join Houses of Worship, Interfaith Choirs and Clergy for our annual celebration of the Thanksgiving season! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 AT 5:00 PM on LTV (Comcast 34; Verizon 26 & 28)  …

Holy Trinity Thanksgiving Food Drive

All donations are requested by 11:00 on this Saturday, 11/21. Donations include turkeys and any other items, canned or fresh. You have several options for donating: --Drop items off at the rectory. You can leave them outside (if non perishable)…

Join the Holiday Toy and Gift Drive

St. Peter's is joining The Diocese of Newark Prison Ministry for their Holiday Toy and Gift Drive for children whose parents are incarcerated. Gift suggestions are on the flier below. Please note, gifts must be in gift bags and NOT wrapped.…
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Diocesan Communion Sunday, November 8th

This Sunday, November 8th, is Diocesan Communion Day! Read/view Bishop Carlye's message here.  There are two ways to receive communion this Sunday: 1. Attend the in-person, indoor service of Holy Eucharist at Church of the Holy Spirit…

Recorded Worship for All Saints’ Day November 1, 2020

View the outdoor in-person worship for All Saints' Day here.