
Before Gatherings Can Resume: a Message from Bishop Hughes

Dear Companions on the Journey, We are not the first of God’s people to be displaced and sent on a journey into unknown land. Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, and the Magi all set out without a map. Most started without knowing their destination,…
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Pentecost Sunday, May 31st

It's the Birthday of the Church, the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the Feast of Pentecost (from the Greek pentekoste, ‘fiftieth’ of fifty days of celebration). On the fiftieth day of Easter, God sends the Holy Spirit to empower the Church…

Church Leader Zoomiversity!

Saturday, May 30 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Join folks around the Diocese of Newark - from your own home! Workshops include: Worship from Home Dealing with Grief Food Pantries Church Finances Church Safety Go to the Diocesan…

Celebrate Rogation Day with Your Family!

We can't do a Rogation Day procession at church this year, but you can do one at home with your family! Find one here.    What is Rogation Day? (Adapted from Full Homely Divinity) The Rogation Days, the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday…

A Pastoral Letter from Bishops Hughes and Stokes

A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and People of the Diocese of Newark and the Diocese of New Jersey From The Right Reverend Carlye J. Hughes, Bishop of Newark and The Right Reverend William H. Stokes, Bishop of New Jersey Carta pastoral en español Dear…

St. Peter’s Hosting Soup Kitchen May 16th

In this time of crisis, the need for lunches at Christine's Kitchen at Holy Trinity Church, West Orange continues to grow. Join St. Peter's as we provide lunches to go for hungry members of our communities on Saturday, May 16. Volunteers…

Rev. Elizabeth’s Homily for May 3, 2020

Jesus uses the image of the Good Shepherd to invite us into intimacy with God. Here is a link to the podcast Rev. Elizabeth references in her homily: Tilly Remembers Her Grandfather, from The Daily by The New York Times.